
Using school’s yard for ALL children’s well-being and development

Project description

Yard4All is a project focused on bringing together children with special educational needs (SEN) and children without impairment in a formal and non-formal educational context. Innovative methodologies are offered in order to enable the success of the learners and establish a sense of belonging.

Expected outcomes of the project

  • Open a digital platform – used as a communication platform, to share experiences, videos, pictures with the partners and stakeholders of the project; it will be used for creating an environment for practice exchange
  • Child-to-child peer support model – will be a one-to-one delivery program, either with pupils without impairments ‘matched’ with or assigned to a particular targeted group – pupils with SEN. The model will also allow addressing awareness sessions on issues as emotional competencies as self-esteem, confidence, emotional health, and well-being.
  • Business Marketing Guide for children – it will be offered a guide for using mathematics in the schoolyard, in order to improve the entrepreneurial skills
  • Guide to develop science concepts in the schoolyard – It will be used for boosting creativity, and matching the theoretical concepts with practice


Agrupamento Escolas D. Carlos I


Agrupamento de Escolas de Alfornelos

Aproximar Cooperativa Desolidariedade Social, CRL

Asociația European Association for Social Innovation – EaSI


Formacion Para El Desarollo e Insercion, Sociedad Limitada – DEFOIN 

Instituto Universitario de Lisboa 

Kezenfogva Osszefogas a Fogyatekosokert Alapitvany – Hand in Hand Foundation

Norges Teknisknaturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU

Școala Gimnazială Nr. 28 Bucharest


01-09-2019 | 31-08-2022

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