Best4Older LGBTI

Best Interest for the Older LGBTI

Project description

The Best4OlderLGBTI project intends to be one way of fighting against discrimination based on age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics of older people. The target groups of the project are NGO’s, health and social professionals, anti-discrimination experts, public in general and other specific and strategic targets, such as professional of public services, teachers, employers and university students. The main activity is to develop a raising awareness campaign in 6 EU Member States, contributing for the decrease of inequalities and discrimination in attendance of public services and health and social care, as well as in encouraging the report of cases of discrimination (providing information for the victims and, in other hand, make professionals more aware about this issue).

Expected results of the project

To change attitudes & behaviors.

To raise awareness about age discrimination and sexuality of older people, including LGBTI.

To encourage the political and social discussion.

To encourage the report of cases of discrimination.

To reduce inequalities and discrimination in attendance of public services and health and social care. 


Intervention Programme for deconstructing negative images about sexuality and LGBTI issues in old age – Handbook/ Implementation Guide

Best4Older LGBT – Train the trainers handbook


Anziani e Non Solo (ANS), Italy


Age Action Ireland Ltd, Ireland
CAS050+ Centro de Atendimento e Serviços 050+, Associação, Portugal
Fluxphera, Portugal
Stichting Roze 50+, Netherlands
Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou, Greece
European Association for Social Innovation, Romania


01/11/2018 – 30/10/2020 (24 months)

More information at

This project was funded by the Rights, equality and Citizenship Programme (REC). The European Commission support for the production of this publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.