Circular economy from social enterprises to their customers

Project description
CIRCULAR LOOPS aims to foster the approach of circular economy in social enterprises, by promoting the concept of the social circular economy. The project looks for the creation of a transferable package of resources to improve knowledge about the social circular economy in each context.
Circular Loops objectives are:
- To identify social economy practices across partner countries, its characteristic, and key success factors
- To co-create a creative methodology and methods to support managers of social enterprises to introduce circular economy in their businesses
- To set up a learning programme for managers of social enterprises to boost social circular economy practices
- To adapt the ‘social circular business model canvas (SCBMC)’ into digital and using a strategic design approach
- To design and implement a peer-mentoring programme for social enterprises to guide them into the process of ‘go circular’
Intellectual Outputs
To achieve these objectives, partners develop 3 intellectual outputs:
- IO1 – Mapping the Scene: inspiring practices and methodology to go social circular: methodological framework starting with an onsite analysis of each partner country regarding practices being implemented and which could inspire innovation
- IO2 – Enabling solution for social enterprises to ‘go circular’: systemic and integrative learning programme, which comprises the implementation of the methodology created (IO1), an online learning platform for distance learning and interaction, a board game to help managers of social enterprises and mentors to develop and monitor the process, and f2f and online learning materials to expand the knowledge of managers of social enterprises
- IO3 – Peer-mentoring programme: group mentoring process to support and advise managers of social enterprises to implement circular economy principles in their businesses.
At the end of the project, partners foresee that managers of social enterprises successfully complete the learning and mentoring programme, rating it with good satisfaction, being committed to a circular economy implementation plan, and disclaiming it to customers and suppliers. Moreover, partners look for requests from managers of social enterprises for further training and capacity-building for their staff.
ARGE Abfallvermeidung, Ressourcenschonung und nachhaltige Entwicklung GmbH, Austria
Accademia IRSEI – Istituto di Ricerca per lo Sviluppo, Economia e Innovazione – APS, Italy
ACEEU GmbH, Germany
Aproximar, Portugal
Asociatia pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila, Romania
Associação IBIS – Iniciativa Beira Inovação Social, Portugal
European Association for Social Innovation, Romania
Neotalentway, Spain
1/09/2020 – 31/08/2023 (36 months)
Check the project Facebook page for more information:
Project results
IO1: – Mapping the Scene: inspiring practices and methodology to go social circular: methodological framework starting with an onsite analysis of each partner country regarding practices being implemented and which could inspire innovation

The Methodology for Social Enterprises to Go Circular & The Catalogue of inspiring practices are available in English, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, German and Spanish.
Download and read the Methodology in:
English, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, German, Spanish.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.