Counteracting AGEism for a Europe open to all 


Project description 

The project PAGES – Counteracting AGEism for a Europe open to all aims to support the global combat on ageism and to foster intergenerational cohesion at the community level, by upskilling adult educators/ community workers on how to engage older adults in learning. It will envisage the co-creation of an Intergenerational program based on creativity and culture. 



  • Promote awareness around the importance to talk and counteract ageism in society 
  • Upskill adult educators on how they can engage older adults in lifelong learning activities in the community, by involving them in an action-learning programme 
  • Combat interpersonal and self-directed ageism by intergenerational non-formal education activities, targeting young and old people 
  • Strengthen the European collaboration between partner organisations in the field of ageing, by endorsing the global campaign to fight ageism. 


Expected results 

EngAGing Older Adults in Learning: a continuous professional development pathway for adult educators

InterAGES: an Intergenerational Programme towards ALL AGES

PAGES Service Model to counteract AGEism for a Europe open to all 



Arabisch Deutsches Center für Dialog, Germany



Verein der Akademie für Bildung, Culture, Kunst, Jugend und Sport der Europäischen Union, Austria

Aproximar Cooperativa De Solidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal

Kadin ve Genc Girisim Merkezi Dernegi – Woman and Young Entrepreneurship Centre Association, Turkey

ACEEU GmbH, Germany 

European Association for Social Innovation, Romania

Sosu Ostjylland, Denmark



01/01/2022 – 01/11/2024 (34 months) 

Project website:

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