Building the capacities of service providers in elder residential care on how to provide a more inclusive service provision for Older LBGTQI+ users
Project description
The mission of the BestCare4LGBTIQ+ project is to support the development of LGBTQI+ friendly older care services, providing tools, awareness-raising materials and learning resources to home care and residential care services managers and staff to ensure a better adapted and more respectful and inclusive care for LGBTQI+ older people living in care facilities.
- Raise awareness on specific older LGBTQI+ needs among care home & services managers and staff as well as in the general audience
- Equip home care and residential care managers and staff with tools and skills for a better integration of older LGBTQI+ people
- Support care services to assess their inclusiveness and to implement an action plan to become more LGBTQI+ friendly
- Ensure a better care for LGBTQI+ older people in residential care facilities & home care services, especially when living with dementia.
The BestCare4LGBTQI+ purpose is to make home care services places where LGBTQI+ people can feel safe and welcomed, and free to live and express their identity in day-to-day life.
Expected results
“Make me feel at home”: Proposals for a better service provision of care for older LGBTQI+ users based on storytelling. Together with professionals and older LGBTQI+ people, the project will create a multilingual captivating booklet with 45 testimonies of older LGBTQI+ people and professionals in 6 languages, peer-reviewed and validated.
Training for more inclusive care services: The curricula of this course will include at least 5 modules, covering topics related with human rights; inclusion; discrimination; equality; diversity charts; health, emotional and social specific issues about LGBTQI+ older people; gender identities and sexual orientations; harassment; inclusive language; among others.
Train the trainers: This training will be implemented after the pilot of the course for more inclusive care services (result 2) for equipping the trainers with tools to replicate the course, thus enhancing its scope and impact.
Methodology for awarding a Badge of Excellence for inclusive residential care of older LBGTQI+ service users: The tool can be a practically usable resource for professionals, which will support them in practically implementing strategies to make their services inclusive for LGBTQI+.
Database for inclusive care: This is a publicly available and multi-lingual data base that provides a searchable repository of practices, policies, tools, and lessons learned in relation to inclusive care for older LGBTQI+s. The aim of this tool is to provide users (primarily: health professionals; care professionals; care managers; service providers; policy makers; LGBTQI+ associations etc.) practical examples complemented with suitable tools.
Afeji, France
European Association for Social Innovation, Romania
Anziani e Non Solo Societa Cooperativa Sociale, Italy
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, Greece
Caso50 Centro de Atendimento e Serviços 050+, Associação in Porto, Portugal
01/12/2021 – 01/06/2024 (30 months)
Project website:

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