Social Practitioners’ Stress Relief
Project description
The project 4LessBurnout seeks to develop the means and resources to assess the level of stress and burnout amongst social practitioners, working directly with vulnerable people, to encourage them to seek for help and to provide them with the necessary resources; meaning training, specialized staff, and knowledge, to manage, reduce and improve their capacity to deal with professional stress and burnout.
- To encourage professionals to seek help when they feel overwhelmed.
- To raise awareness about stress and how burnout syndrome affects people’s life and work.
- To raise professionals’ capacity to manage stress and burnout contexts and support each other through the intervention processes.
- To improve the relationship between beneficiaries and social practitioners.
- To increase the quality of social services.
Expected results
Open digital tool: Mapping the current situation regarding burnout among social professionals by designing an open digital tool for burnout level assessment
Training: Building professionals’ capacity to cope with burnout-interactive training.
Toolkit: A self-care toolkit and resiliency that will guide professionals to cope with job requirements and the symptoms of stress and burnout.
4LessBurnout will enable social professionals to seek help when they feel overwhelmed and consequently will improve the relationship between beneficiaries and social practitioners. They need to maintain their self-care, change up their routine, be selective with the cases they accept and negotiate their responsibilities.
Afeji, France
Aproximar Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal
Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, Greece
Redial Partnership CLG, Ireland
European Association for Social Innovation, Romania
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Asociatia Centrul de Cercetare si Formare a Universitatii de Nord Baia Mare, Romania
01/11/2021 – 01/05/2024 (30 months)
Project website: www.4lessburnout-euproject.org
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