Raising Society Awareness: The Need for Change in Disability Inclusion

Project description
Awareness4Change is a project aiming at screening and improving the interactions between the wide public and people with disabilities. In accordance with this, the goal is to increase the understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities, especially when it comes to labor market inclusion.
The objectives of the project include:
- Understanding the currents European attitudes toward disability and toward people with disability – with a specific focus on the opinions and attitudes of the persons working in the Human Resources Departments, as they are the agents in charge of labor market inclusion
- Understanding the perceptions and experiences of people with disability towards the persons within the civil society in regards to disability
- Launching a transnational campaign – to reach the wide European public and make it think on how people with disability can be more present in our social lives
- Improving the day to experiences of people with disability
Expected outcomes of the project
- Online questionnaires: about the attitudes of the human resources and business services towards people with disabilities; about the perceptions of the civil society on the same issue
- Focus group guide useful in collecting information about people with any kind of disability (motor, sensory, intellectual)
- Awareness flyers containing information about the employability of people with disabilities
- Training curriculum for human resources professionals and employment support professionals.
Fundação afid Diferença, Portugal
Diakonie Ruhr-Hellweg e.V., Germany
Aproximar, Portugal
Merseyside Expanding Horizons, United Kingdom
Asociatia Consultantilor si Expertilor in Economie Sociala Romania
European Association for Social Innovation, Romania
01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022 (36 months)
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