Supporting Care Managers Leading in Person Centered Care
Project description
The COMPASS project aims to support care managers working in elderly care services to adapt their skills to provide PCC (person centred care) leadership and to effectively support front-line workers in implementing PCC services in the context of COVID-19.
The project also aims to equip care managers with skills to better respond to actual labour market needs, specifically by improving their skills to lead the change towards PCC approaches in their working contexts and providing guidance to European care managers on how to practically implement person-centred leadership in their everyday work.
The Compass project objectives are:
- to provide European care managers with skills to lead the change towards the adoption of person-centred care (PCC) approaches in their working contexts.
- to offer care managers a space and a methodology to support reflection, reflexivity and learning from work-based experience, while also start developing a network of professionals exercising this job at national level and willing to share a professional development process.
- to develop a European Community of Practices (CoP) of care managers and care workers on PCC for older persons with the goal to share experience and skills, build a common language, and support the consolidation of a new professional vision on humanistic care.
Expected outcomes of the project
Care managers as drivers of PCC: a multi-language, blended learning (meaning a combination of e-learning and face-to-face learning sessions) training package addressed to care managers across Europe.
Supporting reflexivity of care managers: a methodology to run online reflective groups of care managers committed to improve the PCC practices of their organizations, inspired by the “work discussion groups” (WDGs) methodology.
A digital Community of Practice for European care managers committed to improve the PCC practices of their organizations.
Anziani E Non Solo Societa Cooperativa Sociale, Italy
Aproximar – Cooperativa De Solidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal
Asociatia European Association For Social Inovation, Romania
Asociatia Habilitas – Centrul De Resurse Si Formare Profesionala, Romania
Redial Partnership CLG, Ireland
Fundacion Intrans, Spain
Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou, Cyprus
01/10/2022 – 31/01/2025 (28 months)