Innovative tools towards diversity in classroom context
Project description
Expected outcomes of the project
The project foresees the following outcomes:
- Developing a new methodology – mentoring – as a system-level approach to empower teachers with managing diversity in classroom strategies and tools to better engage students
- To develop, transfer and implement through transnational cooperation innovative training curricula on diversity and disruptive classroom behaviors management
- Create a profile of the mentors’ coordinator and mentor’s profile – important in mapping the necessary skills in dealing with disruptive behaviors in the classroom
- Overall professional development of the teachers, to make them better prepared for their job and more satisfied with it
Project results
Intellectual Output 1 – Report on programmes and measures to support the development of diversity and disruptive classroom behaviors management competences in teacher’s continuous professional enhancement
Leader: Asociatia Centrul de Cercetare si Formare a Universitatii de Nord Baia Mare
Co-leader: EASI
Intellectual Output 2 – Training curricula on diversity and disruptive classroom behaviours management
Leader: Aproximar
Co-leader: ECF
Intellectual Output 3 – Mentors’ Coordinators and Mentors profile
Leader: Cooperativa Sociale Ceis Formazione
Co-leader: Amadora Inov.
Intellectual Ouput 4 – Courses Curricula for Mentor’s Coordinators and Mentors
Leader: Aproximar
Co-leader: Amadora Inov.
Intellectual Output 5 – Mentoring programme for effective inclusion
Leader: San Giuseppe Onlus
Co-leader: Peterborough City Council
Peterborough City Council, United Kingdom
Aproximar Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal
Amadora Inovation em Unipessoal Lda, Portugal
Cooperativa Sociale Ceis Formazione, Italy
San Giuseppe Onlus, Italy
Fondatsiya Obrazovatelno Satrudnichestvo, Bulgaria
European Association for Social Innovation, Romania
Diakonia-Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Finland
Asociatia Centrul de Cercetare si Formare a Universitatii de Nord Baia Mare, Romania
01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022 (36 months)
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