
European Alliance to Upscale DESIGN project’s results and strengthen the employability of people with changed working ability at the open labour market

Project description 

The aim of the project is to strengthen Europe’s identity by promoting inclusive labor market policies, defending principles of equalization, and placement of people with a changed working ability (PCWA) at the open labor market. The main idea of the WorkAbility project is to be proactive and give people with disabilities the skills and tools needed to find and retain their job place – which means opportunities for self-development and empowerment towards the open labor market. 



  • Empower people with changed work ability (PCWA) with soft skills  
  • Improve the Job Profile Tool specifications to allow self-assessment and self-awareness of people with PCWA’  
  • Generate a portfolio to train professionals on empowering People with PCWA’ with soft skills  
  • Develop a guide to support practitioners and families on how to apply the Job Placement Tool 


Expected results 

  1. “People with changed working ability: mapping the way to get soft skills to find and retain a job place – a Resource”
  2. Job Platform’ specifications for soft skills self-assessment      
  3. Soft skills for employment – course portfolio      
  4. Guide to apply the Job Platform       



Afeji Hauts-de-France, France



European Association for Social Innovation, Romania

Aproximar Cooperativa De Solidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal

Xenios Polis. Culture, Science and Action, Greece

Kezenfogva Osszefogas a Fogyatekosokert Alapitvany, Hungary

Asociația Profesională Neguvernamentală de Asistență Socială ASSOC, Romania



01/11/2021 – 01/11/2024 (36 months) 

Project website:

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