The GRACE Initiative has delivered resources to support entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative industry
It is our greatest pleasure to announce that after 24 months of hard work, alongside 6 other partners from 5 European countries, we have successfully completed the Grace Initiative and we have designed and implemented useful and practical solutions.
The challenge was to find innovative solutions that would tackle the effects of Covid-19 on cultural and creative micro-enterprises.
To support them, the GRACE project proposed the development of an online educational platform aiming to equip micro-businesses with key digital competences touching upon all business aspects, strengthen digital entrepreneurship and foster a digital hub for creativity and innovation that will put them back on the growth track and mitigate the pandemic’s adverse impact.
The GRACE Results
During the GRACE project there were delivered 3 results, which form a learning pathway for responding to the needs of entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative microenterprises.
I. The online educational platform and course
The educational platform is a nonformal educational space for open and collaborative learning and communication and a reservoir of best practices and other resources for micro businesses. This platform hosts an online course on digital competencies and digital entrepreneurship for creative and cultural microbusinesses tailored to their needs and geared towards innovation and enriched with practical exercises, real business scenarios and examples and case studies. The material on the platform, as well as the course content, are available in 6 languages.
The course was piloted in 5 countries: Romania, Portugal, Greece, United Kingdom and Spain. A total of 71 participants were present at the piloting intermediary sessions and 71 unique accounts were created on the GRACE platform.
II. The toolkit for trainers and adult educators
The GRACE toolkit includes information, practical guidance, and relevant and timely resources to train microbusinesses in acquiring digital entrepreneurship and support aspiring cultural and creative in the acquisition of digital competencies that would help them in starting up their business. This material is available in the partnership languages, and it is available on the project’s website as an open source.
The toolkit was presented and validated through national webinars held in 5 countries: Romania, Portugal, Greece, United Kingdom and Spain.
III. The Lessons Learnt and Policy Recommendations Report
This report contains the GRACE project’s legacy and contribution to the policy agenda, delving into questions of training needs and barriers that need to be overcome, and educational pathways that can be created to advance the skills of cultural and creative micro businesses.
Read the lessons and the report
The GRACE Final Conference

The final conference of the project was held on February 15, in Brussels, and the project and its results were presented to an international audience. The participants discussed on topics like digitalization for cultural and creative micro-enterprises, current challenges facing European societies and innovating solutions to address them.
To learn more about GRACE consult our dedicated page and the official project website.
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