Within an initiative promoting inclusivity in senior care, the European Association for Social Innovation invites trainers, […]
At the intersection of digitalization and sustainability lies a golden opportunity for positive change! The European […]
IN2PREV The IN2PREV project strives to broadly respond to the needs of NGOs and LEAs (Law […]
Consolidarea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii: Gestionarea economiei circulare Un webinar Sustain Circuit pentru practici de afaceri […]
The European Association for Social Innovation is seeking IT expertise services for the project titled “SustainCircuit […]
Author: Tiago Leitão, EaSI CEO Our journey towards a greener and more sustainable future has taken […]
We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the Silver Initiative, a collaborative effort spanning […]
From January 2021 until February 2023, EaSI, together with five other partners from Portugal, Spain, Denmark, […]
The GRACE Initiative has delivered resources to support entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative industry It […]
The European Association for Social Innovation is delighted to invite you to be their guest to […]
Căutăm mentori pentru migranți! Sunteți o persoană empatică gata să ghideze și să sprijine migranții în […]
We are looking for mentors for migrants! Are you an empathic person ready to guide and […]
Employ-Able People. Awareness4Change Campaign There is a very well-established link between negative attitudes to people with […]
Yard4All Project 1st Newsletter We announce to you that the 1st Newsletter of the Yard4All project […]
Best4OlderLGBTI Campaign Public Statement Public Statement Bucharest, 24th June 2020 Following the recent events and public […]
Campanie Best4OlderLGBTI Declarație publică Declarație publică București, 24 iunie 2020 În urma evenimentelor recente și a […]
Participați GRATUIT la grupul de sprijin reciproc online CARE4DEM! Modelul acestui grup de sprijin a fost […]
Participați la grupul nostru de sprijin reciproc online! În perioada octombrie 2019 – februarie 2020 vom […]